
Self-supporting object!!

      For our final project we are to make an object that is self supporting and 3D printable, I enjoyed working with my partner, Viet for this project, and the project overall!      These pictures are of my original ideas going into the project, I wanted to use octagon shapes twisted and bent as I thought they appeared the most fun. I played a lot with the polygon command on almost all of my designs and so that is what I brought forward to creating the final object.      This is Viet's object that we chose to model our final design after, we played with octagonal shapes and using the revolve and bend tools to make something fun! while we were creating our object and coming up with ideas we became aware of the fact that this kind of looks like a snail shell, so we built into that concept.           After building into the concept and testing some ideas we managed to make a somewhat final rendition of what we wanted our object to look like.     once we tested the printing of our obj

Final papercraft

     This project was to make an object modelled in rhino into a paper object in real life, I struggled with the final rendition of this project. I chose to work with a slightly thicker paper than card-stock, and because of this the laser cutter caused a lot of my pieces to just break off when I was folding them. I only chose to do this so I could scale up my object, and so this frustrated me while building. A lot of the pieces that I made originally 3 dimensional, had to be flattened as they kept breaking.

Paper Bear

      Over the break I changed my Idea to something a little more light and fun, I remembered my friends and I always used to make jokes and fun designs off of a character named Ryan (a maneless lion) from a emoticon pack called Kakao little friends.       After creating this object I have come to the idea that the design definitely needs to be printed larger as the scale I printed this at was very small and therefore extremely difficult to build. The reason why I didn't print it larger to begin with is the base for the face filled a full sheet of paper so I couldn't re-scale the design. 

Object to Build of Paper

 To find an object of significance, or just an object in general to represent yourself can be difficult. I was feeling a little reminiscent when I decided on my object - A Bird of Paradise, which is a very beautiful topical flower. The flower holds significance to me as it was my mom's favourite flower and she was and still is one of my biggest inspirations, I really owe a lot of my creativity to her. At her funeral last year I was reminded of what a beautiful flower it really is, and I have incorporated it into a lot of my works since. To make it out of paper will be an interesting challenge and I will be hoping it turns out well! 

Inspiring Artist - Sculptures Hand Cut from Single Sheets of Paper By Nahoko Kojima

    We were asked to pick an artist that inspires us and also works with converting paper into objects. The selection of artists we were given to choose from had many interesting works but Nahoko Kajima’s work stood out to me most. The intricate details of the work have me very intrigued and careful planning to give the shape being portrayed form.  Kajima is a Japanese paper cut artist, her work typically portrays animals or other organic/ natural things. Her work is different from other paper cut artists, as typically this art is flat and portrayed as a picture, where Kajima instead creates a 3D form from it. This artist inspires me as I have a deep admiration for people who create with such patience and attention to detail. It is something I one day wish to learn and I found her work to be most inspirational because of it. 


 To continue to build on the mashup project we where asked to take one of our concepts and render it. I chose to use my concept of a village inside of  a street lamp, I developed the concept to glass figurines of a city in the lamp to make the idea that the village creates the light. I started with this, and I really liked that the light came from the center of the village however rhino did not like it as much, and all of the renders from this light perspective became blurry due to the refracting light of the glass houses.  I then moved the light to outside the lamp where it was not as extreme and the render became much more clear. from a distance the render was blurry again.  after spending 5 hours trying to un blur the blurry render I realized that I still have alooooot to learn in rhino, and I am excited to learn more about it and maybe learn the root cause of the blurry images.