Self-supporting object!!

     For our final project we are to make an object that is self supporting and 3D printable, I enjoyed working with my partner, Viet for this project, and the project overall! 

    These pictures are of my original ideas going into the project, I wanted to use octagon shapes twisted and bent as I thought they appeared the most fun. I played a lot with the polygon command on almost all of my designs and so that is what I brought forward to creating the final object. 

    This is Viet's object that we chose to model our final design after, we played with octagonal shapes and using the revolve and bend tools to make something fun! while we were creating our object and coming up with ideas we became aware of the fact that this kind of looks like a snail shell, so we built into that concept. 

       After building into the concept and testing some ideas we managed to make a somewhat final rendition of what we wanted our object to look like.

    once we tested the printing of our object in Slicer we realized our object did not have much support along the top and so we had to figure out the best way to minimize the chance of failure due to this.  

    This is the final concept we had to work with, I was quite happy with it as it still holds the form of a snail, but I was a little disappointed we couldn't keep the curved outside. 

    I am happy with how the overall print came out! it feels very strong and to me that is a success! 


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