Inspiring Artist - Sculptures Hand Cut from Single Sheets of Paper By Nahoko Kojima


We were asked to pick an artist that inspires us and also works with converting paper into objects. The selection of artists we were given to choose from had many interesting works but Nahoko Kajima’s work stood out to me most. The intricate details of the work have me very intrigued and careful planning to give the shape being portrayed form. 

Kajima is a Japanese paper cut artist, her work typically portrays animals or other organic/ natural things. Her work is different from other paper cut artists, as typically this art is flat and portrayed as a picture, where Kajima instead creates a 3D form from it. This artist inspires me as I have a deep admiration for people who create with such patience and attention to detail. It is something I one day wish to learn and I found her work to be most inspirational because of it. 

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Papercut Art Nahoko Kojima

nahoko kojima cuts out swimming polar bear from washi paper


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