Function in Designed Objects

     I watched the documentary on objects, and I found it somewhat interesting, seeing the different views of objects in design. A common thread in the documentary was people saying that the object should first be functional before it is stylistic. Which makes sense, but in today's environment the style of the object seems to come first for the consumer. 

    objects that were commonly referred back to or seen in the documentary were chairs and tables, these objects is very flexible in what it can be designed as so I decided to design a set for this project.     

    I was very set in the idea of making the set fluid as to allow for the design, and also prioritize the objects functionality like discussed in the documentary. 

    In the end this is the design I came up with, the chair kept most of the original form I had in mind while designing, while the table changed, as I realized the design I originally had in mind would be highly unbalanced. However I would like to try and create the original design in maybe a different program that allows for more freedom, I think it would be fun!


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